Company details
Gardening Northside PTY LTD
40 Douglas Street, St Ives, NSW 2075,
0403 869 300
0422 812 612
Insurance details
Gardening Northside PTY LTD is a registered company. The company is fully insured with and covers workers compensation for its employees with QBE Insurance.
Workers within the company have Occupation Health and Safety and First Aid Certificates.
Water Restriction Compliance
The company is compliant with the Level 3 Water restrictions.
We have an exemption for the following:
# Watering at any time of day
# Hosing hard surfaces
Gardening Northside has been performing garden cleanups, landscaping north shore, tree removal north shore, lawn mowing north shore, and other gardening services for over 10 years.
If you require any further information regarding these matters please contact us.